MCPD Arrest Report 12/02/2024
Chief Chad M. Adams reports that the Morgan City Police Department responded to 162 calls for service over the last 120-hour reporting period. As a result, the following person(s) were arrested beginning 11/27/2024.
Brealin Francis, 19 years of age, Address: First St. Patterson, La. arrested on 11/27/2024 @ 2:52 p.m.
Charges: F.T.A to Pay Fines on 11/19/2024
(6th Ward Morgan City Court)
Sergio Patricio Cabrera Alvarado, 25 years of age, Address: Chester Bowels St. Morgan City, La. arrested on 11/27/2024 @ 5:33 p.m.
Charges: Driving in Wrong Lane of Traffic
Resisting an Officer
No Driver's License
Ricky Hamilton, 36 years of age, Address: Robertson St. Franklin, La. arrested on 11/27/2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Charges: F.T.A for Trial on 8/08/2023
(2 Counts)
(6th Ward Morgan City Court)
Devonte Williams, 32 years of age, Bowman St. Morgan City, La arrested on 11/27/2024 @ 8:54 p.m.
Charges: Reckless Operation of a Motor
(Released on Summons)
Yobani Antonio Campos, 21 years of age, Address: Roderick St. Morgan City, La. arrested on 11/27/2024 @ 10:46 p.m.
Charges: Driving While Intoxicated 1st
Domestic Abuse Battery
No Driver's License
Ronald Clark, 57 years of age, Address: Rodeo Circle, Farmerville, La. arrested on 11/27/2024 11:49 p.m.
Charges: Simple Battery on a Dating
Jason Thomas Taylor, 33 years of age, Address: North First St. Morgan City, La. arrested on 11/28/2024 @ 8:21 a.m.
Charges: Allowing Dogs to Roam
(Released on Summons)
Darius Dwyone Todd Preston, 25 years of age, Richard St. Baldwin, La. arrested on 11/29/2024 @ 12:00 a.m.
Charges: Domestic Abuse Battery
Possession of Marijuana 1st
Ryan Logan, 27 years of age, Address: Pierre Part, La. arrested on 11/29/2024 @ 1:17 a.m.
Charges: Illegal Possession of a Firearm
inside a bar room
Melissa Loga, 57 years of age, Address: James St. Pierre Part, La. arrested on 11/29/2024 @ 2:05 a.m.
Charges: Battery on an Emergency Room
(3 Counts)
Simple Criminal Damage to
Francis Lee Boudreaux, 40 years of age, Address: Friendship Alley, Amelia, La arrested on 11/29/2024 @ 6:47 p.m.
Charges: F.T.A for Arraignment on 11/14/2023
(6th Ward Morgan City Court)
Marissa Lynn Varner, 26 years of age, Address: Teche Rd. Morgan City, La. arrested on 11/29/2024 @ 11:36 p.m.
Charges: Aggravated Battery
Jerald Jevonta Clair, 25 years of age, Address: Easton Commons Dr. Houston, Tx. arrested on 11/30/2024 @ 12:22 a.m.
Charges: Remaining Where Forbidden
Simple Assault
Justin Paul Mitchell Bowyer, 32 years of age, Address: Saks Rd. Anniston, Al. arrested on 11/30/2024 @ 9:41 P.M.
Charges: Disturbing the Peace
Resisting an Officer
Elyn Martinez, 31 years of age, Address: North Terrebonne Ave. Tyler, Tx. arrested on 12/01/2024 @ 7:55 a.m.
Charges: Reckless Operation of a Motor
(Released on Summons)